
ELBA back on P3 with ‘Meryl Streep’

P3 features ELBA’s jaw-dropping Meryl Streep single

Louise Schrøder is out with Debut EP

Louise Schrøder releases genre-defying new EP I Smult Vande

New album from the instrumental duo K A L E II D O

Emerging Danish instrumental duo push sonic boundaries with new album ELEMENTS

Album from Jesper Hansen out now

Jesper Hensen embraces melancholy with new classical album Images of Winter

ELBA is back with powerfull new single

ELBA addresses a SoMe taboo on catchy new single

ExoPAC presents new signing

ExoPAC Recordings signs Danish pianist and composer Louise Shrøder

New rework single from Infralyd


Infralyd releases yet another album rework by Hong Kong’s very own Norvik.

Tom Merrall releases new single

Tom Merrall

Tom Merrall is out with the single ‘as the rain begins to pour’

New single from KALEIIDO

KALEIIDO is out with the single ‘OCEAN PART I’ from their upcoming album.

Eik Octobre out with ‘Little Home’

Eik Octobre

Eik Octobre is back with new music, with the single ‘Little Home’

Kristian Kamp releases debut-EP

Kristian Kamp

Kristian Kamp is out with his debut-EP ‘Solace’ today.

Infralyd out with full-length album


Infralyd is out today with his first full-length album called ‘… And it Was All For You’

Guldimund reaches 1 million streams on debut


Guldmund reached 1 mil Spotify-streams on his debut album ‘Dem, Vi Plejede at Være’

ROXY JULES to support Magtens Korridoror


ROXY JULES will support Magtens Korridorer on 6 upcoming shows

Lucas Forch releases debut album

Lucas Forch is out with the album ‘Beginnings’

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