ROXY JULES releases her first EP
Today ROXY JULES will release the 4-track EP ’Still Falling Through The White’. Since 2011 ROXY JULES have released four full-length albums and with a constant lice presence she has given numerous along the way. Her melodic compositions mixed with noise-rock as well as industrial rock, ROXY JULES has her very own powerful yet femine expression that is truly unique.
Behind the name ROXY JULES you’ll find Danish singer, musician and songwri-ter Julie Runa and on the coming EP she has teamed of with four different producers, here amongt the great artist and producer trentemøller on the lead single ’Jocelyn’. Combining trentemøllers deep insights in garage rock, electronic and noise-rock with ROXY JULES soft vocal and distorted guitar, ma-kes up one of the strongest songs in ROXY JULES catalog of more than 40 songs. On the song ’Porous & Ivory Black’ she has teamed up with Thomas Bertelsen known for his solo project TOM And His Computer and the duo Lulu Rouge. A natural collaboration as ROXY JULES features on several songs on TOM And His Computers latest album ’Future Ruins’ (2020), which btw is rele-ased by trentemøllers personal record label In My Room.