ELBA releases ‘700 Angels’
The new Danish pop artist ELBA, has one EP release on her back along with several prominent shows in Denmark, here amongst Roskilde Festival and SPOT Festival. She has been a candidate for a bigger breakthrough in Denmark the last years time and now she takes a new surpricing and exciting step with the fresh sounding single ‘700 Angels’.
The song has been created in a close collaboration with the producer Søren Buhl Lassen (drummer and producer of Blaue Blume) and the indie songwriter Asger Nordtorp. Together they have created a stunning song and production, that makes up the 2.0 sound of the young promising artist. With ELBA’s clear sense of the strong pop-hook, mixed with the two companions respective backgrounds in experimental electronic music and indie, ‘700 Angels’ offers a fullblooded fusion of the three genres into what could become the breakthrough single for ELBA.
‘700 Angels’ is about seeking shelter and regaining your strength in nature when you are completely down and left on your own. As the first lyric phrase states: “Flashing lights, but I’m safe in the woods”, ELBA expresses her escape from the city-noise to the place where she feels 100% safe. Precisely that, taking shelter in nature, is something ELBA does herself, when she needs to recharge her inner batteries. She grew up in the north of Denmark by the Nordsee in the fishermans town of Thy and has a strong conection with nature where she gains her power.
The lyrics deals with the strong contradictory feelings that can be awakened in a betrayed girl’s heart, and the imagery sparks in the chorus: “Seven hundred angels trapped in the fire – teenage girls getting high on desire” – followed by the defiance of the phrase: “I keep on ’cause it’s painfull”.