ROXY JULES puts out delicate and poetic track
The second single from ROXY JULES upcoming EP isout today! The single is simply called “Fordi” (“Because”) and is one of the five songs that will make up the EP, which for the first time, is entirely in Danish.
On “Fordi” ROXY JULES and her longtime producer, Valentin Kruse, have dialed down the noise that usually characterizes ROXY JULES’ sound. It is a delicate and poetic track where ROXY JULES writes about thoughts hidden in the wind, a hole leading to infinity beneath the lower ribs, and that deep gratitude most of us know — the gratitude of having someone in our lives willing to help carry our hearts when they sometimes feel too heavy to bear alone.
ROXY JULES is an uncompromising artist with four full-length albums, two EPs, and numerous concerts behind her. She explores language with curiosity, and her lyrics are certainly worth delving into.